Taking down the walls was pretty easy, but taking the scrap to the dump turned into quite an endeavor! Rather than navigating the 180 degree turn in my stairway, I had the brilliant idea to pass the studs thru the basement window.
Here's what happens when you pull too hard
on a window that won't open!
Unfortunately, I had caulked the window shut (who ever opens a basement window anyway) a couple of years ago when bugs kept coming in thru it. So, I needed to cut the caulk and pry the window open. I pulled, and pulled, and CRASH! I ended up breaking both panes of glass in the window! (It WAS easier to get the boards out without a window in the way!)
I'll leave it boarded up (so I can pass the new 2x4s thru), but now it looks like I may end up getting 3 glass block windows installed instead of two. Great idea, poor execution. Oh well, on to the next step…