Finish a Basement: A DIY remodeling adventure!
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>Home >Our progress >Repairing cracks again

Basement waterproofing: Repairing basement wall cracks- again!

See the previous topic in this sectionSee the next topic in this section

If you remember back in the planning section, I stressed the importance of clearing out as much of the basement as possible (see clearing out the junk). Although I did remove a lot, I left a bookcase (full of photo albums) in place.

Well, last weekend I finally got around to emptying it out and moving it. Lo and behold there was another crack in the wall behind it- with stains similar to the ones I fixed earlier.

Since my next step in the project is the long (30 foot) wall running across the basement, I'll need to fix the crack before I get to the end. I guess that's another ½ day of work to fix this crack, but better to fix it now, than to pay for it later!

Repairing rod hole leaks

As I began to chisel out the crack to prepare to repair it (see fixing cracks), I noticed something different this crack and the other two. This leak was the result of a rod hole in the foundation.

What are "rod holes"?

Rod holes are present in all poured concrete basements. They come from the forms used for the foundation walls. After the concrete is dry and the forms pulled away, the rod holes are plugged.

Unfortunately, over time the plugged area degrades and begins to leak.

Here's both the crack, and a close-up of the rod hole:

Large crack in a foundation wall with water stains caused by a rod hole leak.Close-up of a rod hole leak in a foundation wall. Rod hole leaks are common in poured concrete basements.

Rod hole leaks in a foundation are pretty common. They're easy
to repair if you do it BEFORE you finish your basement!

I repaired this crack as I did the other two, using Drylok Fast Plug. I took special care to ensure I got the quick drying hydraulic cement as deep into the rod hole as possible. You could use a pastry bag, or cut the corner off of a large food storage bag. Squeeze the Drylok through the hole, deep into the rod hole.

For more information on basement waterproofing, see the Basement waterproofing topic in our Planning section.

Now, it's time to move on to THE BIG WALL!

Progress Topics

Getting started

Down come the walls

1st mishap

Basement wall cracks

Lumber and tools

Starting construction - Hammer time!

Moving ductwork

Finishing the 1st wall

Around the corner

Five short walls

The big wall

Repairing cracks again!

Framing around windows

Framing the office

Finishing the office

Design decision

Framing support poles

Framing the last wall

See also...
Phase 2: Electrical and Drywall

Phase 3: Priming, painting and finshing touches




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